Why Branding Matters.

Think of a Brand.

Any brand will do.

Got it? Great!

What do you expect when you buy from that brand?

Brands work as shorthand for customers. They allow those looking to buy to understand what they’re getting in the transaction. It could be a mark of quality, a mark of value, a mark of tradition - the list is endless, but it sets expectations based on previous engagements and/or reputation.

How do you expect that brand to look?

Yes, it’s the logo - but it’s so much more than that. What types of images does the brand uses, the style of photography, the font or typeface, the colors in the brand color pallet are factor in to how customers and perspective customers expect the brand to show up. We call this Brand Look and Feel.

What do you expect that brand to say?

What the brand says is important. Customers don’t always remember every line of every piece of communication, but they do remember stories. A strong brand tells strong stories that resonate and connect with the target audience.

How do you expect that brand to sound?

Whether an expectation built over time or an intentional choice, brands talk to customers and perspective customers in a consistent manner. This can range widely across various brands - even brands within the same category - but should be held constant for any individual brand regardless of execution. We call this Brand Tone.

All of the above culminates in a brand. Often, all of the above is captured in a master document called a Brand Book. This Brand Book serves as a guiding document for your brand that should push thinking, create alignment across marketing communications and marketing channels, and, most importantly, ladder up to something that incites action from your current and target customers.

One critical step for building impactful brands is to create a master brand book. This ensures all aspects of your brand are contemplated which allows you to understand where your brand is strong and also uncover any gaps in your brand. Once your brand is solidified and aimed in the right direction to serve your audience - it’s time to look at marketing. Learn more about Why Marketing Matters.

A brand is a difficult to describe, but nonetheless critical asset to your business. And, just like other assets, investing in your brand can generate strong returns for your business.

White Space Workbench is ready to assist you in this effort when you are - either with inspecting your current brand guardrails or pulling everything together into one centralized document.

Let’s talk next steps ►.