Why Marketing Matters.

Marketing connects your brand with the world.

You understand that having an impactful brand is important, and you’ve invested to build a great brand. But a great brand doesn’t help your business if it lives only in internal documents.

Marketing is how you tell your brand’s story.

Where you tell your story.

Today there are more places to tell your story than ever before. These places are called Marketing Channels. The channels that you invest in can vary based on your business model, but should be focused on where your current and target customers are.

How you tell your story.

Choosing what marketing channels you use is important, but equally as important is how you use those channels - both independently and together. A good marketing strategy will link the various channels and messaging to create an Omni-Channel Marketing Experience - a unified deployment of various marketing communications.

How you choose to tell your story presents itself in Marketing Collateral or Marketing Assets. These are the beautiful executions that will be customer-facing and ultimately drive action against your desired business goal.

What part of the story you choice to prioritize.

Marketing communications can feel overwhelming to both current and prospective customers - especially when you have lots of exciting news to share. Prioritizing parts of your story - either by channel or by audience - lets you take a focused approach that is most likely to resonate with your target audience.

Learning from Marketing

If done correctly, when you spend money on marketing, you can accomplish two things:

  1. You can drive more sales and find new customers (many marketing plans stop here).

  2. You can learn about your customers and your marketing by analyzing the performance data.

Marketing is a tool to drive awareness, purchase, and leads - but can also provide immense value if done in a way to gather data and learnings.

A Marketing Plan should be a holistic approach to all of the above. If your business would benefit from marketing strategy consultation, the creation of marketing assets, building a plan to capture data, or pulling insights from the marketing data, White Space Workbench can help.

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